Alexandria J. Sheetz-Sawyer
Alexandria J. Sheetz-Sawyer
I'm sorry to have to say this, but now that my daughter is six weeks old.. My husband and I are starting to let her cry herself to sleep. After we have changed her diaper, fed her, burped her, and she will be sitting beside us falling asleep. But right when we stick her in her crib, she does not want to go to sleep and just wants to be in our arms non stop. She is seriously getting way too hand spoiled. Had to do the exact same thing with my boys. She is just showing alot of qualities of her brother's. Just lovely

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@bellesmomma , thank you hun. I know I may not be perfect, but I know how to take care of my babies. Regardless if others think it's the right or wrong way to do it
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@napmommyoftwo , thank you so much Hun. Super appreciate the support ❣❣
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mommabear_of_03, girl I'm with you!!! I wish I did it with my son he's 6 and still has to sleep with me this baby I will LET the baby CRY IT OUT regardless everyone has a opinion land they can all STFU if you wanna post that you just wiped your asshole and smeared it all over the wall you can why? Cause cause you can and we can say what ever the hell we want I'm so sick of moms PUSHING their beliefs on other fucking mothers like STFU mind your business if you don't like the post keep it moving ugh I hope you stick to your guns and do what WORKS for you and not what works for these other people
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mommabear_of_03 im sorry hope u figure​ everything out.
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@shayla.galloway , I've tried everything to her to sleep. Rocked her outside, car rides, gas drops, bouncy seat, swing, have her on my chest, have her on my husband's chest. Literally everything. But I did talk to the pediatrician and did my research, and my mother-in-law, and stepmother both told me it would be okay to let her cry herself to sleep as long as it's not more than about 5 minutes. Just some babies do not like the crib, and just want to co-sleep. But definitely can't allow any co-sleep. That would make things for her ten times worst. Like I really don't have to let her cry herself to sleep that much. So far it's only been a couple times. And then she falls right to sleep, and will stay a sleep until she has to wake up for another feeding. Thank you though for the advice and not bashing. But trust me, I would not do this without getting permission from others first. Just every baby is different honestly. She used to not have any problems falling asleep, but now she is getting to the collic stage apparently. The same with my two boys. Trust me I try very hard to stay away from letting her cry herself to sleep. It is literally the absolute last resort. Especially after changing her diaper numerous times, burp her non stop, and make sure she is full, and not gassy. And trying to put her down for a nap numerous times. Literally have tried everything, like I had to do with my first two.
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Not bashing you just a suggestion.
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I personally had my daughter cry it but not til she was 7 months. I personally think 6 weeks is early but it is your daughter. She is getting used to this world my daughter hated her crib maybe get a Rock n play. It's basically a bassinet and it feels like they r being held. Just a suggestion to avoid cry it out as long as u can?
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@bonbonmama , thank you hun 💞 and I mean it's never too late. I had to do it with all of my babies. And now my 1 year old, just has to be laid down his crib with a bottle, pacifier, and blanket, with a movie playing. And he falls right to sleep. But I mean, you just do what works for you Hun ❣
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Sorry, for almost everyone having negative comments about my post. But every mother is different, and I made this post because it is my page, my words, and it's called a freedom of speech. Every mother is different on how they raise their children. Just like some mother's find disciplining your child, and spanking your child is wrong, and there are others that say it's right to do. I made this post, because I know I'm not the only one that does this. It's not like I let my six week old daughter cry herself to sleep non stop. It's not like I don't actually bond with her. I do everything I possibly can with her at this point. Letting her cry herself to sleep is the absolute last resort. Look it up and do your research. There are some mother's that are alright with this method, and of course there are mom's out there that are not huge fans of it. But I made this post, because the mom life app is a place where you can go for advice, and a non judgemental place. It's supposed to be a drama free zone, and it's a place to go to also vent. And I will make more posts because I want to, because I don't need permission and think of others feelings when I make a post. Just like most of you are going to make posts about my post, most likely. So go ahead, and think what you want, say what you need to. You all have a right to your opinion. Just like I do. But no need to be immature about it. We all are adults here, and all mother's. Do what is best for your children, and I do what is best for mine. I have a three year old, and 13 month old, and a six week old. And they all are super healthy, smart, advanced, and we'll taken care of and loved non stop, and very protected. I would take a bullet for my kids in a heartbeat. And of course, I have plenty of godchildren, that I have helped raise and love like they are my own. And every last one of them have grown up healthy, and just fine, with no issues. Every one thinks they are they perfect mother with all the answers, and there are always some that think they are better than others. Have you seen the movie, Bad Mom's. I have, and if you haven't you probably should. Every mother is different, nobody is perfect. Everyone is a bad mom in this generation. But as long as my children are happy, healthy, taken care of, loved to no limit, protected, and still breathing, and not hurt at all. That's all that should matter. So that is all I have to say. So hopefully that answers everyone's questions. Hope you all have a great day, with your lovely children 👍 Happy Friday Junior ❣
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I support u mama. I wish I had done that with my girl cuz now she won't sleep without me
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mrsmccormick she posted it because she can. Just because you or others on this forums don't believe in crying it out doesnt mean everyone must pick topics that are to your liking.
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is almost 14 months, I still pick him up when he cries and he is FAR from spoiled
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Your child was born 6 weeks ago, still brand new to this world. You're all she knows. She just spent almost a year growing inside you. She needs your comfort still and will for a while
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
You are the parent, you make your own choices but why did you "have" to post this? Lol
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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