Jessica Whitaker
I know it's the heat but baby girl refuses to eat and I'm doing all I can. We live in an rv and both a.c. Keeps blowing hot air no matter how cold I put the temperature on, they both keep shutting off. She's miserable and red and I'm so worried. I took her outside hoping it feels better than inside but I was wrong. I gave her a couple of cool showers to cool her off but still nothing. I even placed a cold wet rag on her head and chest. It helped some but she refuses to eat. I don't blame her. This is all hubby's fault. He got a job offer at some apartment complex and if he gets the job we won't pay rent but only electricity. He doesn't want to lose the rv so he's not doing anything he can to better our situation because of this stupid rv. We need to better our situation for her, we can't be fucking selfish.
6.8 лет

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Sounds like you need to better your situation for you and her he is putting other things first, like his bad habit whatever it may be isn't worth it, you cannot make it on min wage alone I've tried with two kids thankful for section 8 at the time it helped me keep a place for me and my kids. Your Daughter needs to be comfortable and so do you.

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Sounds like you need to better your situation for you and her he is putting other things first, like his bad habit whatever it may be isn't worth it, you cannot make it on min wage alone I've tried with two kids thankful for section 8 at the time it helped me keep a place for me and my kids. Your Daughter needs to be comfortable and so do you.

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If u truly care for your child u will leave and go stay with ur family till ur situation is better.. ur daughter can get sick and pass away because of the heat.. she should always come first and ur bf last.. he can take care of himself but she can't she depends on u and him to do that for her.. so do the smart thing

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@booboosmommy they don't answer because they don't like people calling in "sick" without a doctor's note. The taco bell hubby works at is kinda messed up. He keeps saying he wants to find a better job but he wants one that doesn't drug test because he doesn't want to quit his bad habit

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@loving_the_mommy_life he says he does put her first. I've talked about getting a better place that has reliable ac but he's too stubborn

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@booboosmommy I can't call him. He turns his phone off once he is at work

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@j_erin oh that's not good... And your husband should put his daughter first she can't be in this heat.

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@booboosmommy 24

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@loving_the_mommy_life I live out in the country and no one likes driving out her because how much gas they use just to get to our place

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Maybe a family member can pick you and your baby up so you can go to someone house.

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@kenitra I don't have a car. Hubby has it to get him to work and back home

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You need to take her to the mall/Target/Wal-Mart ASAP and spend the day there in the AC until the sun goes down. Heat stroke is life threatening to infants! Stay with family or friends. Do what you have to do for the baby.

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