@mommyisbombthou kids can drink too much milk. They're only recommend to have 16ozs a day. Too much of anything is bad for you. I didn't know that until we found out my daughter is animic and the milk was making it worse.
@katibugg2013 thanks girl ! I know I wasn't tripping about letting him drink that much milk . 🙄 I didn't know there was a such thing as he's drinking too much of it lmao
Lol its really not expensive depending on the brand and store. Almond milk just better than cows milk. Cows milk isn't made for us. Its all on you mama and what you wnat to give your child. I drink almond cause im nursing and it doesn't give baby bad gas like cows milk would give most babies nursing.
Yes it's expensive. Its like 3-5$ for a quart looking think minute maid juice comes in. Compared to 2$ for a gallon. Your son will be fine... everybody has been doing it for years and years and years. My baby drinks the same amount and she is 99% for everything at her pedi.. keep doing you momma. Only you know what's best.