Anyone's babies suffer with hayfever? What symptoms should i be looking for?

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@west94 yes ive got snuffle babe n have been a bit of her chest. Will try the feet tonight. Thank you x
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@missy84 have you got any baby sniffle like baby vix you can put on soles of feet works wonders xx
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@west94 thank you il try that. Thankfully her eyes have been fine its just the dry cough n nose streaming. Bless her I feel so useless xz
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@missy84 i read somewhere that usually hayfever develops agter the age of 3 but my daughter has suffered from a young age and its gotten worse over the years she currently looks like shes been punched in the face its that bad! At the moment the pollen is marked at VH very high and if youve been out n about it could possibly be hayfever especially is her daddy is a sufferer! My advice would be clean her face regularly with a cool flannel to wipe away any irritation that could be on her also if her eyes start to look irritated put a little bit of vaseline on her eyelids this makes the pollen stick to the vaseline instead of going into the eyes! For her throat and stuff cooled boil water should help soothe it. If it gets worse in the next few days take her to see the pharmacy if your unable to see a gp and they can advise you better. Shes too young for piriton by the label im reading sorry i cant help anymore but i feel your pain for your baby as Erin suffers so bad its horrible xx
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Liv started what it looked like a cold out of the blue last night,dry cough,sneezing n very runny nose. Today has been the same but no red eyes. Im not sure if its a cold or hayfever😕. Her dad suffers with it pretty bad x
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Red eyes, sniffles, sneezing , crying xx @missy84
15.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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