Is anyones 17 month too lazy to play nd is a coach potatoe I'm getting worried he isn't active after waking up in the morning and it's not like he just woke up nd tired he's just constantly tired nd lazy even though he has ate nd slept well
But otherwise we do give him energetic food nd healthy but if he doesn't eat himself nd isnt hungry then I don't think it's his diet bcz if it was he must be hungry to keep him going
Oh right nd yh he's diet isnt that great not that we don't feel him its that he doesn't eat takes it out of his mouth he only eats if he's really hungry
Like he does play but then he's just lazy to play I don't think there's an issue he does become active but then lazy but he's slow to play and rather sit down nd watch tv or play with other small toys
Maybe get an appointment at the doctors. He could just be a lazy baby or there could be an underlying issue. I have an under active thyroid and I'm constantly exhausted, not tired but physically and mentally exhausted. Anemia can make you really tired too x