I need advice mamas. I'm a FTM. My baby is 14 days old today. He has been acting constipated since we switched to formula last week. Our Dr said to give him pear juice mixed with water when he acts like that. He was acting constipated yesterday so we gave him some and he went poop. It wasn't hard, it was wet/runny. However an hour after that he started acting like he was straining again and acted that way all night. He threw up this morning about an hour after eating. He has been acting like he's trying to poop all day..face gets all red, pushing, etc. But nothing. I gave him pear juice about 2-3 hours ago but still nothing. He also won't let us put him down. As soon as we do he wakes up. I just don't know what to do. We have tried gas drops and I just gave him gripe water about an hour ago. He farts but no poop. I just feel bad bc he seems like he's in pain and idk how to make it better.