Kayla Denise
Kayla Denise
I got the nexplanon implant put in on the 12th and she did my post partuam check up then- I was four weeks pp at that time. She said everything is looking good and I can go back to work. I was told that I would end up having a period in the first month with the implant. When I wiped, I had some pinkish discharge and I think I'm about to start my period. I forgot to ask if I can use tampons now, would it be okay to use them?

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I would honestly wait until you're at least 6 weeks pp. Your uterus will have an "open wound" where the placenta was attached anywhere between 6-9 weeks weeks. So using a tampon puts you at risk for an infection and even if the risk is small it's better to avoid it all together.
19.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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