This Mother's Day... I won't be woken up by my little ones, I won't get to kiss there little toes, I won't see them take there first steps, I won't see them laugh and play with there daddy, I won't be able to take of there every little need, I won't get to see them grow up. I don't get to see the 1s , 2s and 3a and 10s and 16 year olds they would have became ... I won't get to see who they grow up to be, I don't get to see the Christmas mornings, the loose teeth, and the first days of school. most of all ... I won't get to hear the words I love you mom or hold my little babies. I don't get to celebrate there birthdays with them and see there eyes light up to every little thing ... but The first thing they saw when there little eyes opened up was the face of Jesus💕they knew of no pain no suffer no hunger no heartbreak they were love inside and out of the womb they are loved unconditionally💕 heaven and earth may separate us today and everyday for the rest of my life but there's nothing that will change the fact that they made me a mom and my husband a dad💜 I love my angel Babies👼🏼👼🏼💕