Amanda Hoopes
Amanda Hoopes
Ugh men!!! My husband works 8 am to 11 pm. And my son has 4 molars coming in at once! So he's teething, I don't get a break... But my husband gets to shower, eat, sleep all when he wants to! I'm up cuddling our baby boy comforting him and find out my husband has been stopping at speedway to use his points for free pops for 2 weeks but yet I'm supposed to save up so he can get his oil change and brakes! So yet I have to watch my diet to lose weight so I don't have a heart attack at an early age and he gets away with being diabetic and drinking his diet pop all the time but yet restricts me. I'm wide awake with our son who is finally falling asleep and his tylonel will wear off at 4 am which will be when he's screaming from pain. I'm a married woman in a single mothers life.

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@firemanswife thanks :-)
12.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
12.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Do what makes you happy! :) and relax! Don't worry men are men.. they don't get it! But have a talk with him about giving you a brake! I'm married too!! Sometimes we have our moments too!!
12.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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