Hey mama's so i went to the dr Friday they did an u/s according to my lmp I should be 7wks and 3days (on Friday) but the sack was measuring 5wks 5days and the dr didn't see a baby... she didn't seem concerned she said her u/s machine was super old (it is) and my dates are probably wrong she made me another u/s for May 18th. Has anyone else been through something like this? Thanks ladies ❤️

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@jessyleigh, thanks hun I'm keeping strong for my little man and in my heart I know the baby's ok. I texted her today and was like damn I wish u didn't say that too me it's been on my mind all night. She apologized and said she was just telling me what happened too her before. I said I understood but now I'm freaking out about it she apologized again. I feel like if something was wrong I'd feel it. Idk I have a week and a half left too find out
08.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@xtinamarie, good. No need to freak out. I be thinking of you and hope you can put that boss in place
08.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jessyleigh, for real lol if I could afford too quit I would have lol u made me feel better through now just a waiting game till the 18th
08.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@xtinamarie, omg! I would have gotten fire if they said that to me. I hear ectopic pregnancys hurt like u have a horrible stomach ache that's worse than morning sickness. I freaked out when they didn't see him and then boom he was there. My second pregnancy didn't see him until I was 6 and half weeks but really I didn't see anything haha I just took their word for it and when I went back in at 8 weeks I finally saw the white ball again
08.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jessyleigh, thank you! that's also what iv heard of course all weekend everyone's been so positive around me and today 1 of my bosses tells me oh it's probably just an ectopic pregnancy they will perform an abortion and u can try again. I almost died when she said that...
08.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes with my first. They didn't see him until 8 week app. But then he was measuring ahead once he hit 20 weeks so it would match my last period.
08.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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