In honor of upcoming Mother's Day:
1. Were you married? No (We had a date picked and found out I was pregnant a month later) we kept the date so he was 6 months old at our wedding.
2. Did you have an epidural? Yes
3. Was your partner in the room? Yes
4. Were you induced? Yes, at 36 weeks 2 days
5. How old were you? 24
6. How old was your partner? 27
7. How did you find out? I had an ultrasound to see how serious my cysts were hurting me. I was collapsing everyday for 2 weeks and if they didn't come out I could have my uterus damaged. Went in for the ultrasound so see how soon of surgery and discovered we were 8 weeks 2 days pregnant.
8. Did you want to find out the sex? Yes
9. Due date? March 2nd 2016
10. Did you deliver early or late? I was induced at 36 weeks 2 days so I had him early.
11. Did you have morning sickness? Out of 9 months I only had it like 4 times the whole pregnancy.
12. What did you crave? Yogurt, mashed potatoes with gravy, French fries, or sherbet ice cream
13. How many pounds did you gain? 20, I was all baby.
14. What was the sex of the baby? Boy
15. Did you have any complications? No other than leaking fluid at 36 weeks. It wasn't much leaking but the doctor felt to just deliever him especially with me being so short too.
16. Where did you give birth? Barberton citizens hospital
17. How many hours were you in labor? 25 hours.
18. How much did your baby weigh? 6 lbs 15 oz
19. What did you name the baby? Ryan Matthew hoopes
20. How old is your baby today? 1 year 2 months, (14 months, 15 months on the 6th)