How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant again? I currently have an 8 month old & expecting another...not married...kinda beating myself up about all this :(
The first person I told was my husband and nana she lived next door to us. She laughed at me. My husbands uncle told me there was a way to take care of it meaning abortion and I can't talk to the man with respect now. For a while my grandparents was the only supportive people aside from my husband. But the way I look at it is that baby is a part of me if they don't accept the baby they don't accept me. I was scared to tell family this time because nana passed away and my grandma didn't want me to have anymore but they are more supportive than I was expecting.
But I have two who are 11 months apart I was scared and happy at the same time. I had a baby who was only 2 months old and pregnant again I was a mess. But with positive people I remembered really fast how blessed I really am.