Trying to stay positive but to be honest this whole past month and a half has been so hard!! And these past two weeks have stole the cake for never wanting to relive any of it!! I am very thankful my family is getting back on our feet but with a special needs child a middle kids who has had it which being the middle kid and a husband who bless his heart has no idea how to handle helping me... this transition to a new town, home, and reality blows!!! I mean neighbors in small towns talk a bunch of crap without actually knowing anything and seeming sweet can only go so far. Ugh bad days just seem to add up so fast sometimes even when you try to make everyday a fresh start! Any suggestions on really biting the bullet with children to reform bad behaviors and carelessness?! Don't really believe in spanking (doesn't work any way), tries time out and time ins, taking away toys are simple forgotten. I thinking a week of not but one toy each per day for a week and no screen time along with actually having chores... 5 & 3... maybe too much? Kinda at wits end!🙄😩😳
Tired Mama