Baby is officially frustrated an crying because breastmilk supply is very low. I have been told pumping every two hours will increase supply, but it is very difficult. Any advice?
I take fennugreek caps, Mothers Milk drops, drink lactation tea, and eat lactation cookies with brewers yeast :) I just stress when he gets upset, but I need to have backup milk for when I start back to work in a few weeks. I am going in a few hours a couple times a week and am pumping just enough for my husband to get my son through that. I research all the time, but I was hoping someone had some advice I haven't encountered yet. Thank you all for your support, it is much appreciated! 💕
Drink lots and lots of water and maybe try eating natural oatmeal! Blue Gatorade also helps for a quick fix! Also try not to stress because stress can affect your supply as well.