Staci. Adams
Staci. Adams
Had my first Ultrasound yesterday... in the ER. I've got to say that the Ultrasound tech was a b$*#h today the least. I think she might be in the wrong profession lol. She would not let us see anything on screen and when my SO tried to sneak a peek she snapped at him and told us this" isn't show and tell". Wow. Being the smart ass as I am I popped off with " I definitely don't want , whatever your name is (Deardrah) , as my regular Ultrasound lady." She said " don't worry I won't be and I'll be sure to make note." Wth! Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones kicking in but I pictured myself smashing her face in the screen... Moodswings are a definite problem this week.. hehehehee. Poor Toby.

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You don't get to see in the Er because the ultrasound techs aren't trained to handle you freaking out if something is wrong with your baby. If they can't find a heartbeat or they know you're miscarrying or baby doesn't have parts that he or she is supposed to have the ultrasound tech isn't in the position to have to tell you that. It goes straight to the doctor and then you get to know. Also you don't get to see the screen because the ER is for emergencies it's not really a happy thing to be there and if they let you see more people will come into the Er with made up problems just trying to get an ultrasound because they want to see their baby. Usually they don't even let the Husband in the room too. That being said she didn't have to be so rude about it! You can request your records and get the pics if you really want them.
21.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Well I'm glad to hear it wasn't just us lol Like I said my hormones and moodswings are off the charts this week! I don't know if I want to cry over a tv commercial or rip someone's head off for telling me no... I hope this phase passes soon. With my other daughters, I was so sick the whole time when I was pregnant with them that I had no time for moodswings. I was just happy if I didn't feel nauseated 😰😷🤢
21.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeah er didn't show me my ultrasound either only time I saw was when I was further along and I fell
21.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Understandable but in her defense they do things differently in the ER. I know they don't let alot of people see and they take it straight to the dr. She was snappy but she's right. It wasn't an US just to look like at the OB. I know they get alot of people going in just to have an ultrasound for no reason. But I too would have been upset with her answer. That was uncalled for.
21.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
She's an asshole smfh. On a different note, with my first, I wasn't allowed to look at the screen until the tech was done making sure all was well.

If that was what she was supposed to be doing, she didn't have to be a rude pos and could have politely explained. 😒😒😒
21.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Completely unprofessional. If there was any reason for her not to show you she should have said it differently. I'm sorry she was a B****
21.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
21.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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