My baby is 9 months old. I've notice that her little fat toe is getting an ingrown nail. What can I do so it can start healing. I believe I took it out but it looks swollen.
@rociob, I know that with my son I have to constantly make sure his big toe nails are rounded on the side because his nail will grow down on the sides and into his skin causing the ingrown toenail. Mostly you just have to learn your babies toenails. On the one that doesn't have an ingrown toenail I would look at it and see if they grow down the sides or anything like that.
I've heard that it happens because when you cut their toenails if you don't cut them straight across it'll make them get them, but with my son I have to round his or he'll get them. I think it mostly is genetics.
@rociob yes soak her feet ij epsom salt and try to use some lotion everynight and massage the skin away from the nail (like gently) my first two had them (genetic, their dad had his big toe nails removed as a child)