Regina Gonzalez
Regina Gonzalez
People r just rude poor girl this lady made this other lady cry at Walmart I asked her wat was wrong the lady said the one that is pregnant said the cashier lady told her well doesn't mean u hear a heart beat doesn't mean the baby is growing the lady is almost 4 months she said .....n I told her that's not true I said wen there is a heart beat that means the baby is growing. ..I told the lady that's pregnant if the baby wasn't growing there will not be no heart beat at all am I rite or wrong mommies .....I feel so bad for this lady

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@shylamarie thanks sweetie I wasn't gonna put up with it I'm pregnant myself n people makes front of me cause I'm small I be 5 months soon. ....n baby heart beat is 164 ......I didn't leave that poor mommy there crying or getting bullied by this lady I reported her to the store Manger too I said she was very rude as heck I wasn't gonna put up with it ....I said to that store lady I said wat nervous do u have to tell a pregnant woman that I said if the baby wasn't growing there will not be no heart beat dummy that's wat I said to her too
12.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@bonbonmomma exactly it was so rude I stayed there to calm her down I said that's not true I told her I said ur baby is growing sweetie I said if the baby wasn't growing there will not be no heart beat at all
12.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
No one should talk bad about a woman's child, especially when they're pregnant and super vulnerable. This just breaks my heart 💔 good for you for saying something to her ☺️👍🏻
12.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Omg! So messed up! I work at Walmart. If I heard that I might go off on her!
12.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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