@eryka616, honestly, no I don't. When she was 14 months, I told her she was a big girl and she didn't need it anymore and we had to throw them away and if she did I would buy her a toy and so she did and never asked for them again.
My mil gives my niece a bottle and paci and she's 4. It pisses me off cause she baby's that little girl so much. She shouldn't be drinking out of a bottle that old already. They don't give bottles or pacifiers in school so she needs to stop. She said she is going to do that with our daughter and I'm not going to allow it. Once a baby has teeth they should not have a paci it can ruin their teeth. Allot of doctors get mad when parents allow them to do that. Smh🙄
@kelleycrew7362, All I'm doing is voicing my opinion. If your daughter uses a bottle still, that's fine. Like you said, whatever comforts her. But my opinion is that at 4 years old, a pacifier is just not okay. Like I said, his teeth were all messed up. If you don't agree with my opinion, that's okay. Go about your day and enjoy your weekend. I'm not trying to argue or stir the pot with anyone.
I understand it's not your cup of tea but instead of mommy shaming just go on about your day. Guess what my two year old still uses a bottle and I get ish for it all the time but it brings her comfort so why hate. She won't be in high school with it also she too eats things I guess you guys would consider to be bad. Let's enjoy this Friday instead!
@raquely, The pacifier is definitely not ok! He took it out and his poor teeth are all messed up and he has cavities already, poor guy. I have nothing against giving kids juice. My kids drink mostly water too but of course my daughter wants apple juice and other juices sometimes too. I would never give her hot cheetos though. It would kill her poor tummy.
Girl I saw a big ass girl yesterday with a paci in her mouth ! I was like oh hecc no. My son is 6 months and stopped taking a paci all by himself . I know its not as easy like that for a lot of parents but damn by the age of 1 you should at least be half way accomplished with weaning them off my opinion
@mommysbabies, oh gosh! Yeah, I completely agree. More power to you if you can keep it up that long but that just looks strange in public. I'm all for cherishing the baby stage but that's a bit much lol. Even a pacifier at this boys age is killing me. I feel like at this point, the parents just have no control over him and use it as a way to shut him up.
There are women that still whip their boob out for their seven year old I think nothing wrong with wanting to breastfeed longer but put it in a cup at that age