kiarah fort
kiarah fort
I'm starting to feel to very depressed about being a mother. My daughter about to be 7 months but never fully sleep and her father not even trying to support with nothibg😩 like I'm raising her all by myself while stressing over work and school at the same time.

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You have to require him to help you or he never will.
07.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Women have 9mos of pregnancy to get use to the idea of becoming a mom while I think it hits men once the baby is born. I say make sure he knows what you expect of him as her other parent and he knows that you're not going to keep picking up the slack for him. Men are creatures of habit if you let him keep on slacking it's not going to stop when she's older. And if he can't step up on his own than I'd let him know the courts can handle it. I'm sorry you're going through this.
07.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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