I feel so alone everyday. After easton was born 8 months ago, I thought since my boyfriend already has a 8 year old he would help me out with out LO knowing how much work It takes. Nope, we sleep in separate rooms because he says our son keeps him awake at night and he has to go to work the next day, he doesnt give him baths, feed him or change him.... in 8 months. He doesn't get in the floor and play with him, like hand him a ball, build stuff for our son to knock over etc. There for I'm left to take care of our son all day, work my nanny job, come home to cook, clean, clean up after our son, wash clothes, fold clothes, feed myself and our son, give him a bath and put him to bed. He doesn't even really interact with his 8 year old and do stuff with him unless you tell him to. He won't even clean up after himself unless I ask him to. I have to ask him to take out the trash, grab our 8 month old from shutting his fingers in the drawer beside him. He has never spent a whole day alone with our child, he has never took our 8 month old in the car with him without me, he goes to work, comes home, eats what I cook, takes a shower, leaves his clothes in the bathroom floor and watches TV until he goes to bed. We have been in HUGE fights over him cleaning up after himself before and nothing has changed. He does buy formula for our son, and pays all the bills aside from my phone bill, car insurance, car payment. I buy all of our sons toys, clothes and essential needs. Am I over reacting or are all guys like this? I feel like i have 3 kids.