Ugh I'm so irritated because we live with my In law and it's so annoying to live with them ,first ML tells us clean up y'all mess every night before y'all go to bed but yet she leaves her mess so I can clean it up in the morning since she works..yeah I know I stay at home but that doesn't mean that I'm sitting on my ass all day 😕.. we have been here for a year because we are trying to save money to get our own house but we haven't really saved money but i don't know if to tell hubby let's move out already at-least to a apartment or if I'll sound like a Bitch ..
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Lmao 🤣 the further away we live the better...we ended up just living 3 blocks away 😐😂

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Lmao 🤣 the further away we live the better...we ended up just living 3 blocks away 😐😂

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@fluffiieemommiiee, jajaja yeah I'm not at the point yet but im this 👌🏽 close too get Their lol

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I was in that position almost 2yrs ago.i had to move out or else I would of kill my husband family 🤣🤣😋 they all got under my skin....try talking to him and hopefully he understand where your coming from..

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Oh ok then if he's calm about it then it'll pay off in the end. 😊😊

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@dhamiphoenix, oh yeah it is nice when you live by your self we use to live by our self we had our own apartment but we had moved out cause he wanted to save money for a house.

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@embracemthrhd2, I mean I have told him before that it would be better if we moved out and get our own place we can afford it,but he instead tells me to be patient that he rather for us to get our house instead of paying rent ..

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It's hard to live with family. We had to when transitioning between houses so we decided to do a one month stay at a camp ground in our camper. A whole month of camping but it was nice to not be in another family's house and to meet new people every weekend. It's also cheap to do.

We were only transitioning for two months though

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Its all in how you say it... if you talk to him about the move and how it will help you both in whatever way and not throw in complaints of how you dislike ml house rules then the conversation should go well... wouldnt hurt to try. Ive stayed with in laws before so i know it can be irritating.

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