VENT::: I enjoy being a mommy. But I moved while pregnant. So it's difficult to make new friends, plus everyone at my job is so rude. Everyone in my family tells me go out and make new friends. I've been single since I moved. So now I'm a single mom. Battling school, work, and being a mom. Don't get me wrong, I know that's a choice I made. But why does it have to seem depressing? I love my son. I just honestly need some friends around my age. Who atleast kind of understand the Mom thing.
@kimny I know it's just annoying bc when I become comfortable with my routine. Other point out how I don't go out. Or how I spend all my time working, in school, and with my son.
29.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's so hard to make new friends when you're older and when with a kid you have to be even more picky since there are a lot of creeps out there. But it will happen when you least expect it.