Does anyone know tricks or
Tips to get rid of my bellly? I'm 1 month pp. I have really bad stretch marks on my stomach because I got so big. I am down to 150 but I'm use to being 120 so it's a big stretch. I'm mainly worried my stretch marks won't fade

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It takes time to lose weight (remember it took nine months to gain weight, it'll take nine months to lose it 😉) and don't focus on the number on the scale!
Go for daily walks with your baby in a carrier, it helps weight loss and healthy state of mind for you and
since you're nursing , you'll need to eat at least two to three hours and drink lots of water (it helps to make snacks ahead of time or have healthy portioned sized snacks in baggies-I know it sounds funny but the more frequent you eat the more weight you'll lose)
Also since you're bfing, you may not lose weight as fast- this happened for me too! You are allowed to safely lose one pound a week if nursing...any more than that can affect your milk and quality of nursing
Message me if you need any guidance mama!
29.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I've heard bio oil works well. Do research into that. Stritivin (check spelling hah) is good too it's at Nordstrom and I heard good reviews on that.
28.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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