My son is on his teething stage, every time i try to give him his bottle he only sucks one time and pulls away and doesn't want it any more 😕 could it be because the sucking causes him pain in his gums? ☹️
For about 2-3 days. Made me really worried because she's normal in weight but close to the low side. I didn't approve of it but my mil would give Tylenol for the pain. It did help but I personally didn't want to resort to Tylenol. It's very frustrating for the both of you. Give it time and he'll start drinking again. Keep offering!
@twinmommabellahali, For how long did she stop? I struggle so much to put him to sleep when it's bed time because he used to always have his bottle and knock out now it's a struggle to put him to sleep because he doesn't want his bottle ☹️ he eats perfectly fine it's just his bottle he does not want 😕