Hey mommas! Been awhile since I've been on here. My son is going though 4mo sleep regression. Prior to this, he slept in his crib but he refused to sleep without his blankie (just developed a favorite) is there a way to break him of this? At least until he is old enough to not be at risk for suffocating ?
Try tucking it around him nice and tight so he can't move it. Right now if he doesn't move in his sleep, it's not such a big deal. It's when they start rolling and moving at night that it tends to be an issue. Mine can't sleep without one now, and hers isn't breathable like that one. And of course, like her mama, my daughter doesn't lay still at night and is all over the place 😂
@alexiswronkoski tried that, he wakes up and immediately cries. He's only 4mo so I'm surprised he's become attached to it as it isn't even the blanket we normally use to keep him warm when he's in his rocker sleeper