Jenn Garcia
Jenn Garcia
After 4 years together I told my bf that I have been unhappy and asked him to move out. Last night is the first night he stayed at his parents house. He tried to talk to me about things today and after I explained IN DETAIL why I thought this is for the best, he pauses a few seconds and then says "I just don't understand why?" I feel like he didn't hear a single word that I said. We have a child together and will have to be around each other regardless, so how can I make him understand where I am coming from (in a way that will sink in) without alienating him and being mean about it??

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@jcbaby, he really does act like it's all sudden for him. Which only proves my point... he doesn't hear me when I talk or else we may not have gotten to this point. I speak my feelings. Maybe not always right away, but I try to fix things before giving up. So I have talked to him many times over the last year and a half about how I feel and everything and nothing has changed. Now when I can't handle any more, he acts like this is completely out of left field.
18.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's probably very hard for him because he hasn't been experiencing the relationship ending feelings you have so it might be really sudden to him and hard for him to understand.
18.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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