Is he! Hahah aww Remmer is just starting to walk but yes he's into everything too. Yeah I would say there will be hard patches for sure. It will be so much easier in the long run though I think
Once bubs get to that age where they get bored because they can't move it may become abit difficult then.
Rhodens been walking since he was 11 months. He's into bloody everything!! lol @carlyanaya,
He was planned but he wasn't, I wouldn't change it for the world. I love that they are so close and I just hope they always share a special bond because of it.
Still blows my mind that last year at this time we were doing exactly the same thing lol @carlyanaya,
Yeah I'm the same. Don't want it to be hippy or try hard but like different names. You were brave to have your boys so close together; I was so nervous in the beginning but now I'm really glad my two
Will be close
He sleeps great, let's hope it stays this way. Names are sooo hard, I like different but not too out there. I wouldn't even know where to start with a girls name lol @carlyanaya,
That's great! And so nice for you. Is he sleeping okay so far? Hope you're getting enough rest. Really struggling with girl names. Had 3 boys names but we are finding girls names hard!
Mmm, I'm not sure. But he's very protective of him. He's handling it very well, a lot better then I thought he would. He's happy along as he isn't forgotten about.
Ohh, nice 💕 does she have a name? @carlyanaya,
That's so adorable. Even at such a young age he knows it's his brother? Amazing! What a strong bond they will have. Is he handling the attention sharing okay? I'm having a little girl :)
Newborns are easy, just eat and sleep. Rhoden absolutely adores Maverick, constantly kissing him, when we cries he runs to him so concerned. Totally melts my heart.
Do you know what you are having? @carlyanaya 😗