Okay, that's what I'm really nervous about is recovery time. But I'll definitely keep you posted about what the doctors decide. They said they can try to manually push her around in my belly so I may take that option first. Keep me updated too on your next few days ✨✨
@avie, Yes! Stay positive! But don't look at a C section as anything bad either! This is my 2nd! The first went fine, baby did great and I recovered just fine! Keep me posted! Hopefully she turns around for you!
That gives me some hope that she may turn last minute! But yea you're right. I have to think about it in a more positive light and she's had no complications thus far 💗
@avie, He was back and forth for the longest time! I think around 34/35 he finally stayed head down! Fingers crossed she turns for you! Either way you will have a happy healthy baby and that's what matters ❤
Oh wow. Well at least you know all is going to surly go well for your c section since you're this far along. Those only get a little worrisome when they're early. I might have a scheduled c section as well. My babygirl just doesn't want to turn around 😓 she's being so stubborn in here.
@avie, I'm only 5'2 and they say he is extremely long - we shall see- I think he is normal and I'm just short! Lol. I have a scheduled C Section. It's a repeat. Ended up having one with my daughter 5 years ago and my chance of a successful VBAC was small and with all my complications we just decided this was the safest!
Aw he will be in your arms and out your belly soon enough. Are you being induced? Oh yea. Breathing properly went out the window a few weeks ago for me. I think it's my height. I'm 4'11 so my torso isn't that big at all lol.
@avie, Yes 🙌🏼🙌🏼 I don't know if I'm more excited to have him in my arms or out of belly! He is so far in my ribcage on the side it feels like he is in my back! I can't even breathe properly anymore lol