HELP! This is my little one! He will be 11 months old in about a week. He's been a great sleeper his whole life and I've been very lucky! He slept around 11 hours a night and napped pretty well. At around 7/8 months old his naps starts being really weird and he's gotten to the point where he takes two and sometimes 3 30-minute catnaps a day (ugh, the worst) !!! About 2 months ago he got the stomach flu and then a cold and he did not sleep at ALL at night. After that was over he slept normally for like 3 nights and it's been hell ever since! He sleeps fine until 12 most nights and sometimes 2 or 3 am. But at that time he HAS to come snuggle with me. I've tried everything to get him back to sleep but he's so needy. I never did it with my LO at first but I'm fine with co-sleeping as long as it's done safely so I don't mind (I have a plain mattress in the floor of his room so he's safe). I've talked to the doc sooo many times and she says he's just a bad teether and if that's what comforts him to get through it then that's fine and better than giving him meds all the time. I get that but is this REALLY teeth!? Can it last THIS long! I can deal with most anything and I was really lucky in his early months with sleep...I just hate this for him! I feel so bad for my poor little man!! He had two top teeth and two bottom teeth and one pre-molar just sitting there under the gums, you can feel them and see white on three of them but NOTHING HAS HAPPENED FOR MONTHS! He still has no teeth by 11 months! Has this happened to ANYONE! I feel like I'm all alone in this situation!! 😭

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03.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
What kind of teething toys do you have that he chews on? My daughter took a while to cut her teeth too and I was able to see the white, what helped her was toys that had ridges (like if the designs on toys were more popped out in other areas) if that makes sense
03.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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