So my oldest son is 3 and I have been struggling so much with him that my husband and I question ourselves constantly if we are doing something wrong or if he truly just cannot pay attention or listen to a thing you say to him. He will say yeah and then do the opposite. We started potty training because he decided to poop in toilet but it's been almost 2 months and it's like if it was the first day he doesn't tell you he has to go and if I put a timer and take him there is always pee in his pull-up. Today he even peed himself so much that it wet all his clothes and jacket and didn't say a word until I asked why his pants were wet , we were shopping in Costco. Does anyone else have this problem? Am I just expecting to much ? I seriously am annoyed with myself for the amount of times I have to repeat myself since it gets no results. I literally want to pull my hair out