Please someone this is my second pregnancy and it's nothing like my first. I'm between 4-6weeks going to docs on Fri to find out exactly. But so far I'm exhausted nauseous all the time my lady bits are swollen and itchy I have freaking backne and I'm so emotionally erratic. At this stage in my first pregnancy I didn't even know i was pregnant i had a hard time with my last pregnancy due to stress and was really looking forward to enjoying this one but so far its not going well and its so early. Any ideas why or anybody else have this happen to them may it be the sex of the baby thats doing it?
I hear you Hun I was loosing the plot about a week ago and was being so nasty and making my loved one cry and then I took a test to find out what was sending me insane and it was positive so it's the body going into shock from the different hormones so just take it one day at a time try to make yourself relax and find somthing that calms you like reading a book or taking a nice warm bath or a nice long walk these have helped me x