Lol every trimester of this pregnancy has tested me 😂👎 first I was cramping and bleeding and sure I'd loose another baby.. had to be on bedrest then I was so sick my throat would bleed couldn't even keep water down and now I'm dealing with gestational diabetes and signs of preeclampsia! Went from bedrest to now hurry up and get some exercise keep that sugar down.. lol I'm so tired of being hungry not getting to eat anything I crave poking myself four or five times a day to test my blood sugar.. I swear my entire life revolves around my phone and all my alarms to check my blood eat my snack I have alarms going off all day on top of a crazy toddler who is keeping me on my toes 😂 My rainbow baby is making sure I am working hard to keep her healthy! But after 5 losses I'd do anything I can for my babies.. just hoping she will stay healthy and okay for the next 10weeks 🙏 I swear I'm just so tired of crying over my blood sugar.. I'm scared to eat because it raises my blood sugar but I'm scared not to because that raises my blood sugar.. I can't win!!
I'm sorry to hear that it's been so bad. I too have had the same issues, all except preeclampsia thank goodness. It's really hard to manage the diabetes, I can't even monitor it most times because of work. If you ever need support I'm here for you. Pregnancy is really hard, the more support you can get the better. I can't even imagine how you feel with a toddler. This is my first and I can barely stay awake I'm so tired. I just want to sleep sleep sleep.