Every single time I wake up the pain in my back and hips is unbelievable. am I sleeping the wrong way? Is there a proper way to sleep? Or is the pain just something normal that comes with being pregnant?
Yesss it did! I was able to get up this morning and move around. Thank you again for the good advice having a pillow between my legs helped too. Im used to sleeping flat on my back or side.
@krissullivan59 you know I thought about trying that but no one suggested it to me so I thought maybe sleeping on the couch would make things more painful thank you for telling me that I'm sitting on the couch now I might as well just fall asleep lol.
I have this same problem. It's ligament pain and it's completely normal. I love sleeping on a soft mattress, however this increases my pain. I find sleeping on the couch helps lessen the pain enough to where I'm not waking up constantly. If your couch isn't firmer than your mattress, try putting a board under your mattress.