One breast is slightly over producing and the other is barely producing anything. They are practically 2 cup sizes different.
Advice/ suggestions on what to do to fix this?
Will they relatively go back to normal?
@kaidens_mommy, mine is the exact opposite. She's late right on to the left one and eat until she's full but she just can't get the hang of the right one and I've tried all different positions and "dreamfeeding" and everything else but she just can't get it 😔
Ughh 😭 also, poor guy sucks away on the left side and gets frustrated and I finally give him the right side so he can get something. I feel so bad making him wait! @caseyann19 @goodbyelullabye
@kaidens_mommy, I'm having the same exact problem!! I googled and it said pump the smaller one more often and offer it first/get the baby to nurse on it more often so that it will produce more. Or at least something along those lines lol