Alex mcatamney
Alex mcatamney
So after the receptionist at the doctors thinking she was medically trained and told me I was fine and to go to the chemist who told me I was in fact not fine and I needed antibiotics asap I went back to the doctors and demanded an appointment, the big thing the chemist is worried about is the fact iv had sepsis within the last 6 month and this is once again another skin infection, I swear if they tell me this is strep C again I will actually lie down and cry my eyes out, I'm already getting counselling for everything that happened to me after I gave birth and now this is probably the same infection back, what more can I really take

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I'm a student nurse and have seen the effect of people not taking there medication. I have absolutely no idea what the receptionist was thinking. I did tell the nurse after my appointment so hopefully someone had a word with her
22.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mimibear, that's absolutely crazy, they really need to think about how they come across like for all anyone knows that girl on the other end of the phone could've felt so low she was contemplating suicide but knowing that she can take a tablet and it makes her feel better, be it a placebo effect or not, so that receptionist couldn't potentially pushed her over the edge, like they really do forget that they don't have a degree sometimes
22.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was at the doctors yesterday and some woman was talking to the receptionist about her prescription which was for her depression and the receptionist replied that it's all in the mind and medication was a placebo so I wouldn't worry if the prescription wasn't ready. I was mortified
22.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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