Headaches in the second trimester? I'm so worried about preeclampsia :/ this headache has lasted for almost 3 weeks now so I'm going to get checked tomorrow.
@emmysmommy, go to a place like the pharmacy and check you BP in one of those free machines, it will give you peace of mind just to know where your BP is... I ended up with preeclampsia with my first... bought a BP cuff for at home, I think it was only like $30 just to be safe this time... and I take my BP randomly just to give me peace... talk to your doctor/midwife about taking a baby aspirin... my midwife just put me on one because she said research has shown that it drastically reduces risks for preeclampsia... obviously, I'm sure there are reasons some people should not take it but it's worth a conversation! Hope that helps!
Thanks @dreamermom! I'm just worried because I've been drinking more than my 100 oz at the suggestion of my midwife, eating every 2 hours, sleeping on my left side and using Tylenol and still no relief!
When I was between adjustments and got a headache, he had me do this trick... I chugged a Gatorade (to make sure I was not dehydrated) put a heating pad from the base of my head through my shoulders... then put an ice pack on top of my head... depending on where I hurt sometimes it was on top from temple to temple, sometimes it was on my forehead... I moved it around until it felt right... I say like that in a quiet rested position for like 20-30 minutes... it almost always knocked it out! Hope that helps! I also start to get headaches if I get too many days in a row where I don't drink at least 100 oz of water per day! Good luck momma!
My neck got all loose and out of place when I was pregnant with my first, got my neck adjusted by my chiropractor and he showed my husband some tension relieving pressure points to help reduce them! Really helped a lot!