United States, Kansas, Leavenworth


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When do you ladies normally start drinking your red raspberry leaf tea?
doubleksmommy around 37 weeks
emmysmommy Thanks @doubleksmommy! Trying to do some research because I'm seeing anywhere from 28-36 weeks.
doubleksmommy NP . yeah def research it. I just wouldn't start too early for the risk of pre
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Any moms out there that encapsulated/consumed their placenta? Thoughts?
jace16landon21mommy @arivera64 can help!
del_1512250114_arivera64 Yup. I think it's beneficial
emmysmommy Thanks @jacesterlingsmommy! @arivera64 I'm going to send you a message!!!
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Headaches in the second trimester? I'm so worried about preeclampsia :/ this headache has lasted for almost 3 weeks now so I'm going to get checked tomorrow.
dreamermom When I was between adjustments and got a headache, he had me do this trick... I chugged
emmysmommy Thanks @dreamermom! I'm just worried because I've been drinking more than my 100 oz at the suggestion
dreamermom @emmysmommy, go to a place like the pharmacy and check you BP in one of those free
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How do people feel about birthing classes? My husband is super adamant that we take one but I'm
wondering if it might just be a waste of time.
emmysmommy @kambam it's free so I guess we'll go ahead! I'm just being lazy and not feeling like
exoticyuri I wanna go and my boyfriend thinks if s agood idea. More so to meet other moms
kambam Haha i feel it. My classes were from like 7pm-9 and it was too late so we
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Does anyone feel like they got kicked in the crotch? Is that normal?? I'm so sore!!
johanna_b1 Yes 😐 I've felt like that since like 20 weeks. It's so uncomfortable and painful all the
fearfullynwonderfullymadeline Yes!!! It was my baby dropping... try to stay off your feet for too long at a
aj327 All of the time!!! Not pleasant at all lol.
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Does anybody have experience using cloth diapers? Good or bad, I want to hear it!
emmysmommy @johanna_b1 omg no! That sounds horrible!!
johanna_b1 But maybe their mom just wasn't changing them enough idk. They always had rashes and they smelled
kambam cloth are nice. expensive at first but cheaper in the long run minus laundry costs. they can
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Ideas to help with morning sickness? Just wishing I could keep a meal down without wanting to gag when I smell it!!
emmysmommy Thanks mamas! I go all day feeling horrible and then I'm ravenous around 9 at night. It's
chewy1228 ugh I wasn't a huge fan of that part
jonahmartin82 Get unisom and b6 and mix it togather and take half morning and night @emmysmommy
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