So I Had My First Baby Via C-Section ..
Well Emergency C-Section & Now Im Pregnant Again ..
Ok So , I Want To Try Vaginally ; But I'm Kinda Scared , I Do Not Want To Tear When Pushing ..
How Many Of You Ladies Tore ?
I tore with both of my girls and it was ok. With my first I didn't feel it at all, my dr tried to keep me from tearing too bad and it worked. I got 6 stitches. With my second one I did a completely natural labor, no pain medication, and I felt when I tore and it stung a bit, but you won't be thinking of that while you are trying. To push a head out. And the reward in the end makes it all worth it.
Start primrose oil orally at 34 weeks and 37 weeks poke a hole in it and put it in vaginally.
Whem you start taking it orally and vaginally double up and itll soften your cervix and help you from tearing and make sure to let your doctor or nurse know you dont want to push until instructed
I didn't rip, I had an amazing dr she told me when to stop pushing so she could turn his shoulders up and down and so that way I wouldn't rip and I didn't rip at all!