Can anyone give me an honest opinion regarding questions that pediatricians ask, My son is 17 months, He has had the same DR since birth. Since birth basic questions I've been asked at appts was basic feeding, diapering, sleeping, milestone questions, what kind of house we live in, who lives with us, if anyone smokes in the home etc... We went for the 15 month appt and I was caught off guard and handed a piece of paper, on the front was basic developmental questions, then I turned it over and on the back was the following:
Have you ever remembered a time where you've drank too much?
Have you ever remembered a time where you've did too many drugs?
Do you and your spouse ever have arguments or disagreements?
How do you and your spouse handle your disagreements? A. We handle them well, B. We do not handle them very well. Etc etc...
Is this normal?!? I asked my mother and she said she's never heard of anyone getting asked questions like that.

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@sarah30israel, Exactly! Like am I seeing a therapist or what 😂 Maybe if they felt something was wrong but we have never ever gave them that impression at all.
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Nah I wouldn't answer those for your child's Dr. Those are questions for your mental health... wrong Dr.
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@ftmbabyboy11, that's shady. I would too.
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jdamommy3, oh of course, I'd understand that... but I never got asked a single question about postpartum depression after I had him, not by my ob or this pediatrician so I know it has nothing to do with that he's almost a year and a half lol why now. It just seems rather sudden for questions like that, I mean if they wanted to know why didn't they ask at our first, second or third appt you know? Whole thing seems fishy to me but i plan on switching drs anyway, she cancels every single time.
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I got them from day 1 with my babe. They just want to make sure you, the babe, and everyone else feel safe in the home. Basic stuff now. It does regard his overall health because also if you are going thru ppd then they can refer you to a dr that can help you. At least that is how it was explained to me in Kentucky.
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
That's really weird. I've only been asked about what he's been doing, if he goes to daycare or not, or if we have any questions....we aren't married either but I don't think they even ever asked about it.
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
They can and they will if they see something they dont like im sure. Theres a new bill trying to pass here in cali stating they will seize your children if they "feel" like youre not doing good enough. Dont sign shit and just leave if they hassle you
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kambam, they almost make it seem like their gonna call CPS if I don't want to answer questions
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kambam, That's what I thought... I've had weird vibes at this place before, me and my fiancée aren't married and most stuff seems to be about home life and not his actual overall health sometimes..
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
If its not about baby then just don't answer it lol. Its not a peds business to know your personal life
21.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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