What point during pregnancy are you not suppose to sleep on your back? I'm almost 26 weeks but laying on my back is so much more comfortable then on my side.
But I mean it's up to you. I think as long as it's not covering the cervix you'll be okay. They had my on pelvic rest since 17 weeks. And I had sex up till the day I had him lol. He was born at 37 weeks.
Yeah I had that issue too! I went at 24 weeks and it had moved but at 35 weeks it was low again 🙄 lol but I had to have a c section anyways so it didn't matter
@jcbaby, @korahleah_11, my doctor told me to not having any sex until my placenta moves up. She said she would do another ultra around 8months to see if it's moved up. That is way too long to not have sex, that's how I got pregnant in the first place lol
My dr said that's not recommended either cause him being on top puts a lot of pressure on your and the baby. I personally was to huge for that to even happen. So i was always on top lol @jcbaby,
Your actually just not supposee to sleep on your back at all starting the second trimester because your baby is putting pressure on your organs which isnt good but i know how you feel sleeping on the back is the best for me as well but illsleep from side to side and lay on my back to sleep for a short period of time.