Brittany Zink
Brittany Zink
My son turned 2 last month and still refuses to drink milk out of anything but a bottle. He has been using a sippy cup since he was around 9mos for water, and just recently juice with no problems at all. What's the best way to go about breaking his milk/bottle habit?

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My kid loves water and I have tried the old switcheroo numerous times already but with the opposite result, he'll start drinking water out of the bottle and not even touch the milk in the cup.
08.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Put milk in the sippy cup and water in the bottle. If he loves milk so much he will realize that he has to drink from the sippy cup to get milk and only water comes from the bottle. Its common knowledge that any kid would rather have milk than water lol
07.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Nothing wrong with him still using a sippy cup. My nephew in law is 3 and just got out of his sippy cup. When their ready they will show you they don't want it anymore. Maybe try offering him to sip from your cup when you have juice or water.
07.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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