Any of you have IUD, if so which one (hormonal or copper) and how do you like it? Also did your period get lighter or heavier? I have an appointment for it next week but I'm not completely sold on it yet. All reviews good and bad are welcomed.
I was until I seen the Facebook page about it and tons of women saying how they regret it, one lady pulled it out herself and took a pic on how it rusted another lady did it and hers turned black... I need to stay off Google Lol @trice4990
@twinmom1227, that's my assumption. The doctor told me to give it a month and then he wrote down I can get it out if I want....I got like 2 1/2 weeks left. I'm dying over here
I got my Mirena out in in August and I have NEVER stopped bleeding since I got it. Not just like periods but 24/7 bleeding alllllllll the time every day. I also gained 16 lbs from it when it was first put in. I talked to the doctor about getting it out because of the bleeding and it actually prevents me from losing weight and he gave me a pill to try to stop the bleeding. Turns out I now have pain and bleeding and I looked up the side effects of the pill he gave me and its weight gain which would explain why I'm dieting and exercising like crazy and not losing a damn thing! I can't wait to get this thing out. I'm gonna get it out and give my body time to get back to normal then I'm going to either get the copper one or go with the nuva ring
I absolutely love the mirena! I had spotting for the first week, and I haven't had a period since. It has been 4 years and I haven't gotten pregnant again, yet. lol I'm due to switch it to another one in august. I don't get bloated or have any issues with it. The boyfriend can feel it every once in awhile but that's about it. It's nice and if I ever do take it out and have another kid, I will definitely go back to it again. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I'm on my second Mirena. Had my first one for 5 years and then went on the pill. Got pregnant with my now 11 month old about a year after taking the Mirena out. Now I have my second one in. I haven't had a period at all since about 2 months of it being inserted, but did bleed heavy for almost a month after insertion(with both Mirena's). I am having bad cramps this time but didn't with my first. It does cause weight gain. Hope this info is helpful.
I have the Mirena (hormonal IUD) and love it! Best birth control I've been on. My period was normal for the first few months but now it's just spotting for like 3 days and absolutely no cramping. I have mild mood swings, but that's to be expected with any hormonal contraceptive. It does make my skin the clearest it's ever been (which is a plus) 😊
@alexiswronkoski that's the most popular one right? I always seen that one on tv. Im just afraid of getting something that may affect me having more kids if I decide
I have the copper one but have had the hormonal (mirena) as well, with mirena I gained weight and my mood swings were awful, I had it for 7 months and never stopped bleeding or spotting, no pain or cramps whatsoever, I have the copper one right I haven't had it for that long I'm going on 4 weeks I did have a period right after it, n it was very heavy and cramps were very strong, it lasted for about 6 days and since then nothing else, no pain, spotting or bleeding n I'm finally loosing weight so if I was to give a review the copper one is better for me, plus u can have it for up to 10 years but just remember everyone is different:)
I have the liletta it's a hormonal iud. I LOVE it! My mood is balanced, I have very light spotting as my period, there's no cramping. I was skeptical about it as well but I'm 2 months in and so glad I listened to my dr!
I had the copper T... I can no longer have children.. Mine slipped down, I got pregnant and it caused me to suffer a miscarriage.. It was the worst decision I have ever made! 😔