I don't know how old baby is, but the first couple months are the hardest. Lots of cluster feeding and figuring out what works best for you and baby. I remember many a frustrated day, but we hung in there and now we are about to hit our 11 month mark with no end in sight. Like @ginapsu, stated maybe try and find a lactation consultant and Kelly mom was my best friend (still is at times). It's definitely hard and it took me 3 babies to get it right. My first baby lasted 3 months, my second 4. For me the third time was the charm. I wish I had stuck with it a little longer with my first two, but that was a personal thing. I would never shame a mom for using formula because at the end of the day fed is best and we are all just trying to do what is best for our babies. Best of luck!
Breastfeeding is hard. Don't beat yourself up. It takes time to get into the groove. Maybe find a lactation consultant who can help you. There is no shame. You are doing great.