So I'm honestly sick of my SO telling me that I am the reason why my 4 DAY OLD SON doesn't like to sleep in his bassinet. Because I "spoil him and hold him too much". 😒 he is 4 DAYS OLD! I don't even think he has the concept of understanding what is going on besides he's comfortable in someone's arms when he sleeps...

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I'm not saying all men are like this but they don't get it lol. My husband said a couple of times I was spoiling our son for holding him a lot at first but then he realized you can't spoil a little baby. They feel better when they are comforted and they know the moms smell and it soothes them.
29.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
You can't spoil a 4 day old...children don't even learn things like that until like 6-9 months!
29.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
what do men know?
29.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm trying to get him to understand that but he is a bit thick headed. It's a comfort for both myself and my son. I waited 9 months to hold him. To kiss him and take care of him. Hearing him cry knowing I can help him makes my heart hurt
29.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
For the last 9 months, the baby was all nice and warm, floating around in utero. They aren't comfortable sleeping on their back, as they have never done it before. So, they are most comfortable being held so they can hear the heartbeat they've been listening to for the last 9 months. Your man needs to be more understanding. Your precious baby isn't spoiled..they just need their mama! ❤️
29.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
A 4 day old isn't spoiled its called being a good parent and taking care of your child when he/she cries
29.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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