Do any of you ladies have a big age difference with your SO? My hubby is 17 years older than me & I can tell you that he is my soul mate & the love of my life. We are so much alike yet so different
Me and my husband are 8 years apart in age and my parents are 16 years apart in, they've been married for 28 years or close to that (I can't remember lol) It's all about love not age
@viiviian.aiide, lol yes I've been there. I think it's a maturity thing. Idc what age you are, if you don't know how to act right it will turn me off lol We're all about joking around & being silly but we know when to act right.
I feel like if y'all get along great, that's all that matters :) now if it was something like 60 and 30, I'd be thinking sugar daddy 😂😂 lol but no, my husband is only 5 years older than me but we both still joke around like teenagers!
Lol that's cool!
Then you're good lol
My husband does look younger than me.
I feel weird sometimes
I always liked older men but the ones that I dated were so dumb and immature so when I met my husband I was so surprised of his maturity so I sticked to him lol
😂😂😂don't doubt it lol jk
But does he look your age or older? Cuz I know some ppl look very young and are old and marry youngsters and they look the same age , maybe like you and your hubby !?