I just want to feel like I'm doing things right. My sister and mother tell me 24/7 that I spoil/pamper my daughter.
I tell them that I'm not spoiling her, and even if I am it's my child and I'm gonna cuddle and love on her as much as I want to. I'm home alone all day until my fiancé comes home so I'd hope when I talk to them to have a conversation rather than be barked at, and told I'm not mothering my child right. It's already hard being a first time stay at home mommy, I don't feel like I should be yelled at for how I'm parenting.
I think that you have a right to raise your baby however you'd like! As a first time mom, your not trying to spoil her, you just love her!! I am about to be a first time mom and will probably do the same thing. we just want to make sure our kids are happy and healthy, and if you do that, you are a great mom.