
Omg house hunting is so much stress! idk what to do I'm beyond stressed out trying to find my family a new house. every decent looking house and in our price range is ran by shitty landlords. And I always do my research I look at reviews and the BBB and I know you can't always go off the reviews and the BBB but they play a role. And I'm so nervous I don't want to get us into a shitty place but that seems to be all I can find! and we can't go too far from my bf's work. the town his work is in just has townhouse for rent. we don't want a townhouse we want a house! and our town is just ugh dont get me started! im to the point of tears i wanna get moved soon but if we move before the end of March we have to pay rent in two places and we would be breaking our lease even though in Nov we signed the paperwork to say we aren't renewing our lease. so stressful right now I want to move and be done and over with it. my daughter wants her dog and our apartment doesn't allow dogs so he's staying at my mom's and he's 10 hours away so it's not like we can go see him whenever we want. And people have told me don't rent from companies because they just want money but at the same time I'm paranoid about renting from an actual person. I'm just stressed out and wanna cry.....

End Rant sorry

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then you sell the home and buy a new one thats what my aunt did when she realized she didn't want to stay in this town so she sold her house and bought another one in another town.
26.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@js_kidsmom I mean like what if we don't want to live in this town forever more or less is what I mean by we are both under 25.
@ahouse6592 I was so excited and now I'm just like ugh omg I'm ready to be moved. there's so much you gotta check for
26.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I hated house hunting. It's one of those things you think would be fun but it's not. lol
26.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Age shouldn't matter. What matters is your mindset and your finances. I'm 25. lol
26.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh I've found plenty homes to buy that I would love but we don't want to buy yet we both are under 25 yr old. @js_kidsmom
26.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I just found a perfect home today but unfortunately we haven't applied for any loans yet. 😭 I really want it.
26.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
right omg i hate it. sometimes i just wanna say screw it and go buy a house cheaper rent and we can do whatever we want to do but i dont know if we'll live in this town forever. @js_kidsmom
26.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
thats what I'm going through.
25.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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