When did you ladies go back to work? I've been thinking for a few weeks now that in a couple of months I'll be wanting to go back ... I know I'll feel terrible leaving Lucy but I want to go out and provide so it's not all on my boyfriend!
I'm very lucky with working in a school and the time Harvey came 12th September I'm going back for a week in July then it's the 6 week holidays and back properly in September xx
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
You can go back to work as soon and early as you want. Go for it 💃x @zannam
Hey lovely.. I'm thinking of waiting a few months yet, she's not long turned 4 months but was think I'll go back when she's about 6 months, it would only be 3 days per week and I think it would be good for me and her! X
@zannam, I no its not completely the same thing but I go back to college tomorrow for 2 days per week and my lg is just turned 3 months, it's completely up to you and when you feel ready xx