Ahh I'm freaking out, I gave birth almost 6 weeks ago & sorry for tmi but me and the OH DTD last night and the condom split 😳 I'm having the coil inserted on the 22nd of Feb but now I'm freaking out because apparently straight after you have a baby your most fertile 😩!

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It's not true that if you haven't had a period it unlikely, you could ovulate any time from having the baby. Period occur because you have ovulated meaning you are still very much at risk.
The coil can be used as emergency contraception so if there is a way of you getting it fitted within the next 3 days you could cover both bases.
If not you can still use the morning after pill but it's only 98% affective whereas the coil is 99.9% affective when being used as emergency contraception.
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
i dont think you should take the morning after pill... if your pregnant then its meant to be.. but if you havnt had a period yet its unlikely or if your breastfeeding it would protect you a bit more also... xx
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Definitely can happen just like that my 3rd n 4th are 10 months apart you can't have your coil fitted in to u have a period now or u find out your pregnant if u don't want anymore yet definitely go out and get the morning after pill. X. X x
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
yep. you are :/ if uve not had a period yet though u should be fine thats what midwife tried to reassure me with x
22.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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