after I had my baby, I had postpartum depression for about 3 months really bad... it went away, my son's 8 months I'm 13 weeks and I think it's coming back. I don't want to be around him by myself (his daddy works nights so that's a tough one) and when he cries, I just tell his dad to go handle it because I just can't. sometimes I just lay in bed and cry ! I want to be a good mommy, I want him to have a good mommy, I want my second baby to have a good mommy. I don't know what's wrong with me. my boyfriend doesn't understand it. I told him I was feeling depressed again and he said "why? you're gonna have another one soon. you can't feel that way." it just makes me feel worse.

Лучший комментарий


you're starting the second trimester soon, try Zoloft low dose. Does not affect baby. I've been there too. i get how you are feeling and you have the right to be a happy mom. Talk to your doc. ❤
19.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh girl I feel you 10000% it was the same with me. I had my first son in sept and found out in Jan I was pregnant again. My kids aren't even a year apart. I had postpartum bad with my first then I got pregnant again and was told to take it with my second because it was bad. I talked to my obgyn and oh did it help out 10000 times better! She made me feel better and she understood me like no one ever could. Then once I had my second son immediately they put me on the anti depressant. It worked amazing and now my kids are 2&3 and I'm 15 weeks pregnant, I feel it slightly coming back sometimes but all I do is talk to my obgyn about it. Maybe get put back on my medicine and stop it when my obgyn says to stop it so baby won't be born addicted to it. (It's not bad like drugs just it'll get used to having it in their system so there's a time frame to take it and not to take it to help you and the baby) girl I understand exactly what you are going through. You ever need anyone just send me a message!!! Prayers and hugs!
19.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Maybe talk to a professional.
19.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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